With the development of Diablo 3, the items in Diablo 3 are becoming richer and richer, and the abilities of getting Diablo 3 gold become stronger than before. OK, let’s have an acquaintance about them.
Differing from Diablo 2, the items in Diablo 3 did not add new quality level, but to redefine some of the quality of the goods. Items’ backgrounds and names will be shaded to show the qualities of them.
The corresponding relations in colors and types of items are as follows:
White: common items.
Those common items are colored with white. They are the lowest in level. And they haven’t other additional special functions as usual.
Blue: magic items.
Magic items are higher than the white ones in level. They own a magic functions at least. More importantly, it is unnecessary to make certification before using them.
Yellow: rare items
The items in the class belong to the higher-level. They have one to six magic and unique functions. However, differing from above ones, they have to be certificated before using them.
Green: suit items
Those items are related with conditions. When character class wear suit item, some extra awards will be given.
- See more at: http://www.diablo3goldtaker.com/news/just-items-no.html#sthash.Un1LYy8f.dpuf
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