Translation from:
Guild Wars 2 Lost Coast update, add other equipment has been sublimated items, sublimation between this new type of equipment between the of singular equipment and legendary equipment, sublimation equipment phase may be a bit different. Sublimation quality equipment values relative to the singular equipment has improved, while different from the singular equipment upgrade slot the sublimation equipment has a perfusion slots, rather than in the traditional sense. These perfusion slot is used to combat new symptoms of pain, the players through the mysterious furnace perfusion material, then sublimation equipment perfusion, and then continue to challenge the fog of debris copy of the underground city. Specific information visit: "Guild Wars 2"
Attracted players of the opposition of the site, and the emergence of this equipment type before Game Design Director Chris Whiteside issue a formal response is given:
"The emergence of the type of the equipment is to deal with players and equipment one of the measures to enhance the problem, a large update will be released in November, and challenges players incentives to enhance many aspects to improve, this update will introduce a large number of systems and functions, similar a piece of information, so you need to add an extension to the system and incentives to support these. "
PS: here worth is lost to the fog of debris in a copy of the update of the coast, is now open.
Sublimation equipment appear only in the singular equipment to add a transitional stage between the legendary equipment. The player's equipment to enhance the span is not too great. And after between sublimation equipment and legendary equipment will also add some new content. Of course, this is after three months, officials do not want the players too often equipment replacement, replacement equipment requires a certain amount of time to complete.
Sublimation equipment and reperfusion plug will be able to get in PVE and WVW. PVP will be free from the influence of this equipment systems, to ensure that the balance of PVP. New game content and rewards continues to develop, the official attached great importance to the idea of the players and listen to the views of the players.
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