A new copy of the swamp the speed over law
I think many people think - start 2 station is a good standby went locations illusionist at home to open the portal took the beads can open the portal in the middle of the 3 people ** with all the beads through the portal instantly sent. . Similarly rescue giant knock last two locks can also use this approach can save a lot of time
There are a good use of the skills that is underwater Figure only luminous place will not be toxic to then teammate died on the way how to do very simple ranks Ranger then let the Rangers stay in the weeds beside the then BB up to rescue this move is very easy to use. Ranks did not the Ranger even -. . . I keep doing this countless times to save the parallel the teammate - (I Ranger) BB can copy the top half of the guardian. . . Very easy to use to buy guild wars 2 gold.
Playing a copy if the team has a natural stay in fact, not a bad thing, please put away mentality sometimes ranks a natural stay in order to realize a real strong powerful people will go to find it too natural to stay but he has the ability with natural stayed very quickly over a copy so that it reflects your strong. To BS who saw this natural stay on T pseudo strongman
Let configuration 1 Ranger 1 Illusion 1 the guardian (Engineering) elements thieves. . . . Hey, my long-term is not on the line. . The basically a coquettish Ranger playing
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