After scoring more than 700 hours in GW2 and achieving level 80 with 4 characters, I wonder if the game is that fun anymore. GW2 is a splendid game although at quite a few point, it feels that the stickiness is no longer in the game. Right now I have 4 level 80 characters as well as a bunch of exotics all around the place. Not to mention that I maxed out all the crafting professions...
It is particularly unfortunate but I no longer feel the urge of login into the game anymore, I know that GW2 have a bunch of features & is not your normal old college formula yet the most useful aspect in the game (in any game) is the fun factor.
Playing the game might be fun, but after reaching max level with 4 characters, there is a chance that the game turns out into a dull chore and is no longer fun at all, or at least not so fun once you compare it to GW1...
It looks like all this features are nice however in the end, they boil down into more of the same factor, reach max level and then farm exotics after which ascended gear. The only factor that I can do over & over again and is going to be fun all the time (in theory) is the sPvP, however if sPvP is the greatest aspect of the game, then what is the point of leveling up a lot of characters in the first place...?
I are obliged to be honest, I am no longer glued into GW2, but!!! If I get back, I am almost certainly going to do sPvP like no tomorrow & I dont need to level up more characters for that. It is a pity that the stickiness of GW2 does not genuinely belong to the principal features, even if it does, there is only eight characters classes, so at the right, you will do that eight times & you're done, then farm exotics and ascended gear... (Its not raiding however its the same simple rule)...
I hope that Anet improves the sPvP & put a few serious steroids on it since is one of the finest factors in the game & is fun as hell. I only hope that one day the sPvP beats the PvP we had in GW1 & set a brand new quality line when it comes to pvp in mmos...
Now, dont get me incorrect ok.. I am not trashing or complaining about the game, all I am saying is that the game is fun as hell for a while however is not something that will last a full lifetime & that my preferred factor in the game is the sPvP... So if they boost it, i guess is going to be excellent for all of the PvPers in gw2...
Well it isn't surprising that after 700 hours the game is beginning to get dull for you, I have at the moment got 2 characters at level 80, I stopped playing gw2 gold for about 2 weeks around the 400 hour mark I think it was because of bordom, although that was since I didn't even do any of the instances pretty much & just essentially stuck to getting my PvE done on my char and then world vs world, then I came back to it & I'm having fun again after I got my 2nd character to 80.
Spvp is fun & all but I personally think you can get the most out of this game with a solid guild & world vs world, there is nothing more fun than going up against 40 odd folks with half the numbers and wiping them with little to zero casualties merely as a result of group synergy.
The game will consistently wear thin quicker for a number of men and women more than others but in the event you somehow already have four level 80 characters & your on 700 hours, then surely you coulden't have done everything? like all of the instances and all paths on explorer? got really far into fractals? and so on etc, either way if you're getting bored of the game it's either time to move on or just take a good break like I did & come back to it feeling fresh once more.
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