Guild wars 2:AC EXP PATH 1-3 proficient at Raiders
AC a copy of which is divided into 3 parts.
1 Select the route to KHOLER (Thief Lord)
Each branch task
Last king Raiders
5 people group last one (the war to roar) guardian can make the Raiders difficulty greatly reduced
The following silver strange strange gw2 gold, purple strange distinction monster level
1. Began to Kholer
First trap location, Figure jumped onto the coffin go there is no problem, the trap will not be in a coffin
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Silver strange cleared her to open the door, there is a period of time to arrive at the location waiting for NPC, this time to stay and NPC dialogue, and other people get downstairs.
Careful trap on the road (red circle), less blood in 2000, the Green Line as a safe route, and then jumped into the wall to attack far off the fire trap
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Stand open play
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Here is a tip, the difference is less than in the NPC in place before the (animated), looking for a person to go grab the small spiders, and then after the animation begins, do not SKIP this time pull strange people is invincible, others can easily kill strange. (I do not know counted BUG)
Small spider queen here, do not hit the door on the left does not appear, you can first the other traps destroyed before playing Spider Queen
80 please bear in mind that in the Queen dying to eat the food of +40% $ (14S)
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Once on shore, there will be a bag (3token + karma + $ bag (2-5S))
Paradise Road, then is put off by a lot of players (so called) a friend
It was not hard, after an update, the trap will not overlap, there is a small space between each
Over this road have 2:00
1: break stun / stability
For example, stand your ground, the guardian of the warrior balance stand
2 onrush technology
Is the teleport / Warrior Rogue Shortbow large sword 3 turn
Teleport will be safer because teleport blood through the trap will not buckle
There are two ways
A. four other teammates GRAVELING pull out, then a teammate slowly over the trap and then turn off the authorities
B. a teammate followed GRAVELING go back, stay a small distance do not attack
, Look clean how much red circle, and then when back in GRAVELING onrush immediately in only 1-2 when techniques crossed then pull organs
break stun knockdown with / stability technology with knockdown before
Shut the trap as long as close to right away, no problem
(Guardian stand your ground to ensure people will not be knockdown)
Immediately after jumping into the water, GRAVELING will not catch up.
Then told, according to the route to look for the troll (red circle will appear location)
Route 1: You can solve the first task after the trigger point (1)
Route 2, 3: you can go to the right trigger (4) points
(2), (3) of any route can also trigger
Then see if you want to pull the two bosses to fight with or a break
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KHOLER Raiders Law
First the the mobs cleared away.
Note that your next attack after kholer there will be a great opportunity to pull you past, then resorted to large technology, this move a great opportunity to spike, so please find rather hard to open strange
3. Clear mobs, kholer attacks is not a matter of fact, just pay attention to the time of his gas.
4.kholer gas, there are two kind of methods dodge
a. with stability / aegis to block off Flying pull him less than you
saw the opportunity to roll dodge, if too close / not sure please roll2 times
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The completion of the first part of, kholer die 14s + bag, cave troll
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