Mesmer wvw issues in Guild Wars 2. I heard my friend said Mesmer deity very good resolution so it is easy to kill ... Can heraldic identification of the body, as long as the mantra spells ready to remain in standby, the other is also visible, so they can be used to identify the body. As for content is not easy to kill with you is not with the coat of arms / mantra and there is no direct relationship. > I have made for this defect illusion itself did not put the article XD > I illusionist 71 only > In short > Brother would like to ask > Illusionist in the the WVW fight is mark after being be recognized from this ... After that you will enter stealth status lifted, or head of the mark will always exist. > I illusionist WVW not know much about Any occupation in WvW, the concept is the same, and not because you are a warrior will be able to walk sideways, it will not because you is the illusion it can only go sewer. The> harm I have recently been suspicious afraid Mami's really easy to be identified Really is not difficult ... > Avatar cheat seasoned veteran useless it? Yes. Especially Mesmer opponent to be recognized out is not difficult, the problem is that the moment there that need to identification. > My according crushed cats with points .. go smash stream ... > Saying you the illusionist will + article the other found Mami no difference? ... The personal no difference, it is better to say that I am happy to let the other party that "to find the body", I run and hide can roll, able to parry can be invincible, high defense there are an additional 42% damage reduction, but the avatar can not. Mesmer is a liar, Mesmer weapon was never your hands, that the scrap metal sheets or wooden stick, your tricks ... Unless not called at least three places at once will keep not burst, crushing the stream will keep the avatar Phantom? The court did avatar Phantom, you also need to worry about will be found body? Already see bare ... > The above is my question ORZ ... > I play a thief or elements really little and illusionist fight ... so do not know .... > Saying no articles the Phantom are good soft A ..... Crushing flow is unlikely to need to bring a coat of arms, and will feel soft may be the problem of your hand speed, on-call fast enough, close to the speed of the other side is not enough, fast enough crushed so until prior to the completion of the full set of combos Mirage on the first down. > Afraid habit was recognized it was seconds XD It would keep other solitary Battle of cases, believe me, we would rather go to beat the the looks clearly not Mesmer guy will not take the time to recognize your body where.Themselves in a favorable environment is also a trick ... > Or I think too much it ... after all, the illusionist legs super short A ... Indeed much concern. Short legs can be mounted troops Rune, each treatment to get a quick 10 seconds, or at least bring the concentrator. > Also I often run WVW friend said I illusionist no confidence ...
Incidentally, perhaps a lot of people will tell you that Mesmer's way of fighting is very simple: camouflage ingredients the body. When you do indeed seem to achieve the desired result, but still want to remind you: camouflage ingredient itself is relatively dangerous play, just imitate this practice but do not know what is the purpose of this practice, may play a little hard Oh.
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