Share PVE Guardian routes do not be mislead by the PTV.
Guardian inside personal feel to play the PTV may account for 7-8 percent too many. In fact, it is clear that the team does not need the PTV guardian even absolutely need only one, but I think the best way is not to PTV guardian
The key point is vampire food to play PPC essential food price a little expensive many people want to eat.
Then skale venom the basic all occupations essential but many people do not know this stuff also plenty of trouble a team of 3 people fight so and so basically infinite weakness also comes with fragile. If the guardian you use these two things with a 10% damage reduction article and then use a somehow strange increased by 10% and 10% damage reduction wrench hammer under normal attack your allies in your side strange blood back around 5000 at the same weakness also to blame brush up protection has also been with the guardian Block blindly. High defense is simply super fast back blood Xie symptoms also have blind but Block. Another point consecrated skills CD play the FOTM too many places require reflective walls.
Weapons with a 10% damage and various flame AOE damage in a variety of night fury various types of weapons have different imprint superimposed a guild wars 2 gold 25-layer precision more than 70% crit rate essentially 100% crit. Is probably the case. .
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