Guild Wars 2: grenade drug flow Build Share
Outset intend to engineering as a major occupation to play once works quite
disappointed, but eventually works best to get started and most playable. Return
to the topic, Build hoping comprehensive in a copy Entirely glass cannon type,
in essence, in fact, still be considered, but this is already my own since the
play works, his most started and generic builds, to share with you in this.
1. Equipment
Berserker with Rampage wear mixed, both direct injury and disease damage,
mobile wartime will switch back to the rifle grenade in mobile wartime placement
not be accurate forecast to output. This with the law can take into account the
stakes and the need to kite or a large number of walk hurt when the king if full
PPC or PPcon of, strain would not be so flexible. Weapons use rifles, Rune use
Superior the Sigil of Strength (30% chance of critical strike given might) armor
runes Superior Rune of Adventuer poor St. products, while providing disease
hurt, although it has been Nerf, but still be able to semilattice dynamic, with
the pharmaceutical R vitality rarely bottomed out.
2 Features
Explosives 30
XI Grenadier - the grenade essential trait, do not explain the 1500 range
plus additional grenades.
X Enhance Performance - boon trait, with pharmacy stream treatment given 3
layer might.
II Shrapnel - Explosives 15% chance of bleeding, with the rampage to con
Firearms 10
Here is more flexible, as the battle occasions switch.
IV Rifle Barrel - Increase the rifle range, in the face of the need to kite
or a large number of walk-bit king, grenade placement is difficult to accurately
predict, usually when I will switch rifle.
V the the Precise Sights - 50% chance of critical strike caused Sunder
stakes king with this trait, with grenade quickly the Sunder down full.
Alchemy 30
II Fast-Acting Elixirs - Pharmacy essential trait, cd reduced by 20%.
X Cleaning Formula 409 - drinking or belt skills solvable one illness, with
this trait do not need a special zone Elxir C solution illnesses.
XI HGH - Pharmacy provides 20 seconds might, it can be said that the core
of this build.
3 Skills
Elixir H, Elixir B, Elixir R, Grenade kit
Each agent offers 20 seconds Might plus shortening pharmaceutical time not
select pharmaceutical u is because the CD is too long.
Of Pharmacy H cooling only 20 seconds, only 32 seconds Drug B, equal agents
can easily resident might the boon, short CD H can be given the treatment
capacity of the stable, with the armor runes provide an endless supply of
Rune with the weapons might, even if his teammates did not anyone can
provide might, almost also can keep you around 6 to 10 layers, if other
teammates, the number of layers might provide almost all of more than 20 layers,
wear and equipment make up mixed straight hurt output, all skills have
corresponding to trait, making skills to maximize efficiency.
Pharmaceutical R can see preferences replaced Pharmacy S understand given
the body, but lost the remote REVIVE CD also partial in the face owns the
continuous Shazhao king died chasing you down, Pharmacy S easy to use.
4 Summary
With the long-range security, The senior number might harm themselves and
the team provided solutions illness, Quick Reply vitality provide flexibility,
remote REVIVE skills.Translate from: