Copy of the story grief Embrace (English 30%)
Eir: We should be off.Zojja may be in trouble.
Caithe: Letsus wait for the others.It serves no purpose for us to go into thesedredge carves without support.
Eir: Doyou know why she came here?
Caithe: I have never been able to understand the asura. Knowing Zojja, it hassomething to do with Snaff.
Eir: Caitheinsists we wait for everyone before setting out after Zojja. Iseveryone assembled?
Me: We're all here. Let's head out.
Eir: Good.Zojja is somewhere down here. We should find her.
Eir: Weshould go Caithe.Zojja may be in trouble.
Caithe: In a moment. Our friends should know what they're getting into.
Caithe: Sorrow's Embrace was once a great forge. The dwarves that lived herekept dredge as slaves.
Caithe: Whe the dwarves went into the Depths. The dredge made these diggingstheir own.
Eir: Andnow Zojja has stormed in here. We don't know why, but we need to findher. It may already be too late.
After kill bridge enemy
Eir: I recognize that asura.He 's Inquest.
Caithe: Why would Inquest beworking with dredge?
Eir: I don't know, but I betthat Zojja does.
Vs golem + Inspector Snik
Inspector Snik: Myflamethrower wants to say hello.
Caithe: Thedredge! They're .... fleeing in terror?
Eir: Why doI think that Zojja is responsible?
Caithe: She could be in trouble. We need to find her!
RunndingDredge: How will we escape her evil wrath?
Find Zojja
Zojja: He'shere, isn't it? He's running things for the Inquest!
GolemSpecialist Noko: We're not afraid of you!
Zojja: Yourfear is irrelevant. I know Kudu is here, and I'm here to stop him! \
GolemSpecialist Noko: Bah! I will need more than mere brains to defeatyou!
GolemSpecialist Noko: My advance assault golem (Gw2 gold)will destroy you all.
Afterdefeat golem
Zojja: Caithe! What are you doing here? And why did you bring that norn withyou?
Eir: Caithetold me you came down here. I was worried about you.
Zojja: Worried? That a little apprentice couldn't handle herself?
Eir: That'snot what I meant.
Zojja: Ormaybe you were just hoping to see another asura die. Is that it?
Eir: I justcame here to help.
Zojja: Yourhelp gets people killed! I don't need it, and I don't need you.
Eir: Fine.If you don't need me, I 'll leave you to your petty vengeances.
Caithe: Eir, Zojja. Don't be foolish.
Eir: No.She 's right. You DON'T need me. No one really needs me, do they? Come, Garm.
Zojja: Lether go, Caithe. She knows I'm rights. She's lost her nerve. What goodis she?
Caithe: Ithought you were smarter than this, Zojja.
Zojja: Iam. And we've got more important things to worry about. We need tofind the Inquest, and, more importantly, find their leader.
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