Fireheart Rise
Apostate Wastes southwest corner, guarded by harpies
Rebel's Seclusion
Plains of Ashford
Human's Lament Go to the Vista, enter the cave by fighting one-two Veteran Cave Trolls & a number of Ascalon ghosts. Chest is situated near the Ascalon ghosts.
Decimus Stones Fight your way by way of the manny Ascalon ghosts & 1 Veteran, top right.
Loreclaw Expanse Do the Loreclaw Expanse jumping puzzle to get Grand chest.
Lion's Arch
Trader's Forum Go to Vista at Trader's Forum Waypoint, at the turn fall off onto post then fall off into a hole with watter. refer toTroll's End for details.
Postern Ward Go behind waterfall, refer to Urmaug's Secret for details.
Forshore Ward The entrance to the puzzle is near the Farshore Ward vista, refer to Weyandt's Revenge for particulars. When in the Captians maze you have to walk by means of 2 walls to continue to the chest.
Gendarran Fields
The Lawen Ponds southwest, in a cave with Champion Ketsurak
Vigilant Hills In a cave where the Wiley's Cove POI close to the Vista
Harathi Hinterlands
Cloven Hoof Pass northwest of Junction Camp Waypoint
Hangman's Saddle east of vista
Ruins of Holy Demetra Northwest of Matyr's Tomb Point of Interest
Thunder Rock near Watchlin Armory Point of Interest
Altar Brook Vale in wolf cave north of Crossing Waypoint
Altar's Windings at harpy nest
Demongrub Pits 3 chests one lootbag, search for modest passages for two of the chests, first is in the spider webs
Kessex Hills
Earthlord's Gap at Goff's Bandits PoInt of Interest
Maguuma Jungle
Mount Maelstrom
Bard's Valley after completion of Drive off the pirates & rescue their prisoner (Mount Maelstrom)
Sparkfly Fen
Darkweather Rise in the Hexfoundry Unhinged jumping puzzle, not the end of the puzzle, fall by means of a misty gap between 2 platforms
Diresight Caverns east of the Brokenhope Village PoInt of Interest
Saltflood Mire east of the vista
Splintered Coast bottom of the Krait tower, guarded by a Champion Krait Hypnoss
Verarium Delves inside this little jumping puzzle.
Ruins of Orr
Cursed Shore
Azabe Qabar, the Royal Tombs by the skill challenge
Cathedral of Silence west of the vista, at the end of the jumping puzzle
Cathedral of Silence the far northeast end inside the cathedral
Death's Anthem Point of Interest, down in the ship
Fields of Gold Caer Shadowfain waypoint, east at the ruins
Fields of Gold Caer Shadowfain waypoint, south east up the platform at the end
The Artesian Waters near the far end
Winterknell Shore west of Cachistic R&D
Malchor's Leap
Beacon Torch Point of Interest, Grand Chest on top
Drowned Brine west from Malchor's Anguish Point of Interest, at the Vista
Garden of Ilya southwest of vista
Karst Plains north of Saliah Bayt PoInt of Interest, in the stone ruins. Also north west is a different chest
Upsilon Test Fecility Point of Interest, in the water
Valley of Lyss near Hope Falls, in the water
Straits of Devastation
Triumph Plaza near Chapel of Lady Glaive
Waywarde Way in the Conservatory
Sea of Sorrows
Southsun Cove
Bakestone Cavern upon completion of Help Lionguard Demolitionist Varrv plant explosives in karka nests
Pearl Islet at the top of the mini jumping puzzle
Pearl Islet on the ship south east of the island
Sawtooth Bay southeast of Captain's Retreat, on the ruins of a ship
Southsun Strait on top of the green isle, guarded by Champion Reef Rider. Can only be reached with the Skipping Stones jumping puzzle
Shiverpeak Mountains
Dredgehaunt Cliffs
Dostoev Sky Peak, in a cave that opens as part of Kill the imp lord to cease him from summoning more imps
Timberline Falls
Gentle River by Thistlereed Grove Point of Interest
Guilty Tears after completion of Drive off the pirates & rescue their prisoner (Timberline Falls)
Wayfarer Foothills
Shamans Rookery In the cave, make your method to the end.
Outcast's Cleft inside Alpenzure Cave
Kresdor Kenning inside the Jotun cave
The Osenfold Shear Fight your way by means of at least 6 Jotuns & 1 Veteran Jotun all of the approach to Haivoissen Kenning Point of Interest
Wurmhowl Spikes Fight 2 Veterans
Frostgorge Sound
Shattered Ice Floe south east of Ice Floe waypoint, up the hill at the end of the jumping puzzle. Entrance is in the water north of Iron Horse Mines on the left side
Trionic Lattice north of Sacred Trust Point of Interest, in the canyon
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