The overseas users Daphoenix D / D elements experience to translate the text of the skills applied
You wait too long, the original in relation to turn over the weekend after, but until recently because the temporary fill classes.
Or keep up with articles, because little brother is not professional elements XD, if you see any translation errors or errors with the actual game content, then please leave a message to tell the younger brother, I will modify this article as soon as possible.
Weapon Skill:
Elements so that all skill please refer to the link below:
The maximum number of any AOE skills in an attack hit the target 5
Fire reconcile:
Fire 1 - Dragon's Claw
D / D elements to make the auto-attack skills (1 each harmonic Technology), fire will only be used on a single target. Three routes each attack are each able to hit a target, but farther away from its practicality, the lower, so it is best to be close to the target. The distance of each route is about 400 units, the vertical distance is about 300 units.
Fire 2 - Drake's Breath
Fire need to chant skills. His CD is only 5 seconds, and good AoE DoT injury. Fan of this skill is in the direction of the face of your role, and you lock the enemy position. This means that if you set the body and not completely your goal, as long as the other in the direction you are facing within 45 degrees and you lock to move he can still hit. This move there The 12 combustion decision, even if you do not use the extended hours of props.
Fire 3 - Burning Speed (PbAoE + Blast Finisher)
Fire 3 you sprint forward and cause AoE Blast injury. The direction of travel of the move is to look at the direction (by the right to control the lens), and at the end of Blast harm caused around 240 units within the face of your character. Route traces flame damage judgment (crit) can cause, if the face of the enemies of the toilet was this move decision can be up to 2x segment, if fully hit can reach 2 times the original injury.
The Fire 3 can also be used as mobile skills, the moving distance is about 400 units, but will be such as knees Arrow, frozen, fixed body control field technology. The body these states, since the character movement distance becomes short, but also may be reversed to take advantage of its high number of segments determines the enemy to attack close. As for the fixed body to enemy characters with you overlap case, in order to achieve maximum damage.
Fire flame trajectory is also regarded as the Fire Field, so you can follow the Blast class skills, such as soil 4, soil 5, Olympic XI for combos. This move can not jump, while the enemy through the Field will have one second combustion damage throughout, then step on the above four seconds. I personally believe (the original author) This move will be to move the Buff impact, but I can not guarantee that it wants.
Fire 4 - Ring of Fire (PbAoE)
Fire AoE damage radius of 240 units, as long as any enemy to come in or out will be caused by the burning of five seconds damage. It is also your best Fire Field, can be easily and Your Blast-class skills, such as soil 4, ± 5, Austria XI, and so do the combination to stack Might (will be discussed later). This trick in the asphyxiation / throat point * 1 terrain is quite easy to use.
* 1: a military term, alleys, on the bridge, passes, valleys and narrow diameter forcing the enemy only linear movement of the strip of terrain.
Fire 5 - Fire Grab
Fire 5 D / D elements to make one of the strongest direct injury spell. If the enemy burning state hurt more. However, because of the bug, this trick often strike in moving target, so it is best to use in case you talk to Fang Duli station is good.
Water to reconcile:
Water 1 - Vapor Blade
Your target the boomerang throwing a distance of 600 units, and then go back to your position. This move is best used in a straight line with the enemy, so that all enemies are determined to hit twice. Each hit will be able to give the enemy a layer 5 seconds Vulnerability (weakness), each floor weakness on behalf of the enemy should eat 1% of the damage. This move is furthest from the auto-attack skills, but also to enemy weakness can help you remove the skills to cover in front of you on the DoT state damage (burning / bleeding) offset by the enemies of the state. Water 1 600 per unit distance can also be applied in the vertical height, but is usually used to attack you below enemy.
Water 2 - Cone of Cold
The skills of judgment with fire 2. In addition to the the AoE damage outside of the same nature can AoE blood. You can keep doing to help themselves and teammates blood, see level of HealingPower you can make up the blood around four segments, each about 2 ~ 300HP, while enemies within the scope of damage.
Water 3 - Frozen Burst (PbAoE)
This trick is three seconds of frozen enemies of your role within the radius of 240 units. This move is in the retarder bunk rely on you too close to the near-wartime enemies or kite good use, and the state is also very suitable to be used to cover the state of DoT damage (burning / bleeding).
Water - Frost Aura (Aura)
In your body to maintain a 7 seconds Aura, as long as the enemy attacks you will have two seconds of the frozen state. But the frozen state only enemy Aura effective distance (the original author does not determine the distance in the end is how many), so remote attack enemy invalid. This trick can also be used in the the charged field technical impact or even lying on the ground. Under equipment Rune, Arcane characteristics point, wind I characteristic mix, the last time the water 4 Aura can give you eight seconds of acceleration and Fury.
Water 5 - Cleansing Wave
This move is a direct AoE range to help you with teammate blood and remove a state. Blood amount according to your Healing Power of between about 1.6 ~ 2.1K.
Wind reconcile:
Wind 1 - Lightning Whip
Wind 1 is the highest skills hurt in all of your auto-attack skills. And because of the 10/22 update, move the AoE range increase and can hit up to three targets at the same time. Every auto attack will attack to determine the two under the same injury, and each decision will be treated as an attack (I guess that would like to express the meaning of the crit rate will be calculated separately, please Daren acquitted XD). Wind can be considered the bug so from time to time will come to you miss one or two. This move is suitable for use in the pursuit of the enemy, or the knife, every attack judged according to your Power is about 5 to 800, and to see you blast injuries% dating falls 1 ~ 1.5K crit.
Wind 2 - Lightning Touch
Wind can give up to three second weakness of the enemy state (50% of the direct damage will attack power halved + physical recovery speed halved). The AoE range follow the trend of the 1, but the damage is usually not more than 1K. Move the chant little longer time, should you want to keep with the flow on a wave of enemies like soldiers or thieves who to mitigate the damage done to himself. Also, this trick off war when good, because it can reduce the number of enemy tumbling. There, this move is best not to follow the trend of 3 at the same time, because the state of coma and weaknesses to the enemy at the same time can be regarded as overkill (excessive damage), so it is best can you reduce the damage of skills sharing open to use.
Wind 3 - Shocking Aura (Aura)
Wind 3 control field skills are strongest in your arsenal. Enemy attack within a distance of 600 units and you will be given a coma, can be regarded as a long-distance attack enemies will be affected. This trick skills commentary about 5 seconds, but there are actually six seconds. The effect of this skill will maintain this full 6 seconds, the enemies 6 seconds each attack you are unconscious one second, and hit a few faint a few times.
With the upper hand I characteristic can give you 12 seconds to accelerate and Fury, if more with the extension of the gift of time and equipment can reach as much as 18 seconds. This move is absolutely not to follow the trend of 4 simultaneous use, because the gift does not have effect. Like other Aura trick in the charged field skills affect can also be used, which means that when the soldiers want with their HB seconds off your time you can easily counter. There when you keep doing this unless necessary or do not use your tumble coma interrupt enemy attacks utility in this regard has been quite strong. Finally, this trick for the non-direct damage such AoE is also effective to use.
Wind 4 - Ride the Lightning
Wind 4 is one of the best mobile skills in this game, you have two ways to use it: lock live and live enemy is not locked. The best way to move is targeted to the Options These options tick (Refer figure option, and then double-click in the empty area of the screen to remove any you lock the target, and facing the direction you want to move your wind. Another way is to lock your target, the wind is an element so that the only way to automatically take you to the skills of the enemy position.
You do not actually see that they will be able to keep doing this track, but also why this move is particularly effective in the pursuit of escape enemies. Have a great defect but this trick is it non-~ ~ ~ often buggy (bug adjective), an enemy if you sing the way (this move have cast time? @ @) Suddenly change direction, you wind 4 will be bug to make your character to daze as long as 2 to 3 seconds. To this trick used in the attacks, try to pick open a place like this wind are less likely to be bug to. (This skill is really quite often bug, so I learn the original author of the movie, like jump up and then seems ~ ~ ~ than not in the bug)
Wind 5 - Updraft
The wind 5 is D / D elements only skill that can hit flying enemies. Blow fly is considered to be the GW2 strongest control field skills, because only the Stability (firm) to counter the blow fly (anti-coma skills can not lift the state of blow fly). Unfortunately, this trick a CD considered quite a long time, so this move not to necessary do not use. The range determined regarded as the circular radius 180 units PbAoE, when the use of this move will hit flying enemies to the opposite direction you roll.
The flying distance hit pretty good, can be used to cause a fall injury or even instant kill the enemy from a cliff or high wall blow fly. If it is the enemy flying downhill strike, the distance will substantially increase. This trick is that there is another useful when you are given the body. Generally fixed body can not roll, but this trick allows you can still roll success.
Soil to reconcile:
Soil 1 - Impale
If you support state injury soil is quite powerful monomer DoT spell. It's straight injury is low compared to other auto-attack skills in terms, but to be very precise in terms of the attack within the distance of 300 units. Water from 600 but the second under the miss, fire requires you to be very close to the enemy, but the wind one is easy because of the bug and miss. Soil 1 Another advantage is that it is PbAoE judgment (such as soil 2 4 5 technology) - you do not have to face the target, you can confuse the enemy can hide behind an obstacle.
Soil - Ring of Earth (PbAoE)
Soil before the 10/22 update 2 is not going to the enemy breaking cafes state. Skills are also PbAoE of skills, range radius is 240 units, 12 seconds and cause bleeding state. This move animation is part of the circumference to stab emerge, but in fact has a judgment within the entire circle.
This move is particularly suitable for access after the soil 5, because breaking cafes state can provide cover for strong bloody state caused by the soil 5 (last on the state will be the first to remove the state skills lift).
Soil 3 - Magnetic Grasp (Leap Finisher)
(A few days before the first half of this paragraph Original Combo Aura part telling Edition Friends of the confirmed has been fixed, so I skipped)
Soil 3 is a very powerful control field skills, because the fixed body be regarded as the same level of control field state with knockdown also coma. Fixed body only state remove gw2 gold skills crack, Stability (firm) does not work. Angles and aiming mechanism is actually fire 2 very much like the state of the fixed body 2 seconds, 900 units of distance is determined from the position you began to chant instead you end position when the chant. Also, the distance of the 900 units is determined and will also look at the last position of the enemy. Basically, this move is relatively a disadvantage because of the skills projectile (projectiles) need to link you the chant starting location with the goal of final position, if the distance of the two locations opened more than 900 units in the chant skills will failure.
Soil can be considered grams invisible power one of the skills in the game. As long as you grab the right direction, even if you chant after the enemy stealth skills or can you link to the enemy side. (Original author in his films rely on this skill several times to catch the thief in stealth)
Of soils 4 - Earthquake (Blast of finisher, PbAoE)
The soil 4 CD quite a long 45 seconds, but also your weapons skills CD longest. This range of skills determine the radius of 240 units PbAoE, additional 2 seconds and knocked down. The animation of this skill is not too short and can not be moved in the chant, you can not rely on rolling to early termination of the animation. With other BlastFinisher, you can take the tactics stack 3 layers of Might help you with your teammates after the fire 4. This trick is best to stay in the Lightning Flash (Teleport 789 technology) + Fire Field when or after the soil 5 combos. Please do not the additional skills knockdown follow suit 5 repulsed confused. Once in the repulse is no way for early recovery, but was knocked out after the lifting of anti-coma skills. (Firm state counter These two tricks to control the market state)
Soil 5 - Churning Earth (Blast Finisher, PbAoE)
This is your strongest spell you carry the stick skills. Move cast time of 3.25 seconds to be exaggerated, so do not open space in the battle chant. The best use of this skill with Lightning Flash. These two tricks used in conjunction with, Teleport will not interrupt your chant (the same principle can also be used on the portal of the illusionist). This trick can cause around 360 degrees (the original author as well as the skills of the game commentary did not mention distance) straight injury with bleeding injury (stacked 8 layers for 8 seconds), but also in the chant during enemy with your distance coffee continuously breaking the other state. Note this breaking coffee state injury determination, so if the enemy D / D elements with the wind 3, that you will be in his coma. There is the chant you can not move or roll. Austrian XI tumbling reconcile the state of the soil is to move soil weakened version.
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