Daily Monthly achievements list of conditions in Guild Wars 2
Daily summary table
Daily Name Number of mission requirements
Daily Kill Variety kill different types of strange 13
Daily Kills Total Kills 60
Daily Aquatic Kills Kills 25 in total water
Daily Gatherer collected material 20
The Daily Events complete the dynamic 5
The Daily Crafter life manufactured goods 10
Daily Healer Resurrection players 10
Daily Dodger successfully dodge attacks 15
Daily Veteran Slayer into attacks kill copper edges strange 5
Daily Laurel Vendor visit Laurel businessman
Detailed explanation
Daily Kill Variety
This is in accordance with the GW2 monster type, so that the earth element and light elements, both can be regarded as "elements", so it will not increase this value, while the player is in a PvP situation today, smote accordance race "and points (up to 5:00)
Daily Kills
Daily kills only count the "death" of the enemy, but please note sPvP death is not
Daily Aquatic Kills
Same as above, but the condition is limited to the enemy death when players must be in the water
Daily Gatherer
Each consumption point collected with durability, even if time (but not collected insufficient level acquisition tools)
Daily Events
As long as the completion of dynamic (have received the kind of money + Karma) can be obtained, but the skill points is not
Daily Crafter
Create anything from life division are counted, including refineries
Daily Healer
Resurrection fell to the ground / dead player / NPC can
Daily Dodger
Must use the roll, and the emergence of the system message "Evaded" considered
Daily Veteran Slayer
Must attack to kill the copper side monster
Daily Laurel Vendor
Go to the major cities of Laurel NPC press F can
Monthly summary table
Name explain the demand
Monthly Dungeon Participation completed copy of 5
Monthly Event Participation complete dynamic 100
Monthly Salvage Kit Usages dismantling tools 500
Monthly Completionist complete daily tasks?
Experience Survivor immortality state EXP 100000
Monthly WvW Player Kills in WvW kill players 50
Intrepid Explorer looking into the inlet 30 of the Jumping Puzzle
Number of completion of the Fractal Frequenter Fractal Map
Activities limited (for a one-time activity)
Name explain the demand
In the Spirit of Giving? Open Mysterious Presents 50 Wintersday
Buster of the Busted knocked down 100 Wintersday broken toys
Candy Corn Consumption eating Candy Corn 150 Halloween
Karka Slayer kill Karka 200 Karka invasion
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